Thursday, May 1, 2008

I just finished finals...yet they still expect a creative title

So it's over. My first year of college. It's kind of an odd thought. And it was exactly a year ago today that I walked to the mailbox and ever so tentatively dropped the envelope, containing that fateful paper with my legally binding signature, into its depths. Okay, so maybe I'm exaggerating, but proof of this is left as an exercise for the reader (and yes, I did just use those words which, upon their appearance on the pages of a textbook (or notes handout - I'm pretty sure Krune used that phrase at least once) fill every student, myself included (of course, maybe I'm generalizing my thoughts to every student, but you'll have to prove that too), with dread - and which immediately (allowing of course for reaction time and the inevitable speed limitations based on the rate of communication between neurons) trigger the mental translation (at least in my case - I'm not going to project my internal thought process onto the set of all students twice in one sentence (if you can call this conglomeration of dashes and parentheses a sentence - I know I can) )- "I didn't feel like writing this proof out so you get to do it instead". At least they're not killing as many trees that way, but they could at least put a link to the proof up on the web (although if your electricity (and that of the data center for the webhost) doesn't come from a renewable source you would still be harming the environment by looking it up) for perusal by curious students. But I suppose that would defeat the point of it being an "exercise" - and then there's the argument that anything truly worthwhile in life one must work to achieve (although perhaps contradicted by that other statement that the best things in life are free. Or maybe not. As most longtime free software users (such as myself) will tell you, freedom has many different facets - just look for discussions about "free bacliva" (not wanting to endorse excessive drinking) vs "free speech". So I stand corrected (by myself, and I'm sitting). The best things in life could be free, while still requiring work to obtain. At times that which is free is harder to obtain than that which costs. And then there's the matter of how to define free - and for that matter, how to define cost. Is anything truly free? Was that a rhetorical question? Could I pose any other loaded, self-referencial, or philosophical questions? (I'll give you a hint - the answer to the last one is yes - but I won't, at least not for a little while) Actually, let me ask one more, somewhat simpler, question: could I abuse parentheses any more than I already am? (here's a hint (a rather self-referential one at that)) And finally, can you (meaning the reader - as I look back over that statement it appears that I'm talking to myself) keep track of where the sentence was before this giant block of parentheses started? I think I can, and I'm about to test you. Let me know if I get it wrong (it's possible - as is anything until you (and everyone else) stop believing in it), that I may correct this post and not lead future readers astray) , so perhaps my assumption about their motives is fallacious, and therefore this entire rant is unfounded. But then, are rants supposed to be completely calm, logical, and rational? I think if they were, they would be awarded a far more formal title such as "persuasive essay" (and perhaps some of them are - is this one of them? (I'm sure asking a lot of questions today)), the likes of which I haven't written (at least not in a formalized fashion) for some time. But I digress (not as if that's an unusual occurrence around here (if you're wondering, here refers here to the virtual location which is this blog - not necessarily the Christie hall front desk (where I'm writing this), nor wherever your computer is located and displaying this page - for those are both fleeting, capable of changing any moment (you doubt? Finish reading this sentence, close your browser, and try to tell me where here is - then, lest I create a situation similar to that which resulted when NASA sent a signal to one of their probes telling it to lower its antenna, and found themselves unable to tell it to raise the antenna again - reopen your browser, reload this page, and continue reading) - it is only the virtual location of this website (best visualized by the URL, not the data center from which it is served - for that, too, is constantly in flux given the load balancing between the massive number of servers in Google's network) which provides that semblance of permanence necessary for my previous statement to be comprehended at its fullest level of meaning) - these last few entries have been almost pure stream of consciousness (with slight guidance and the inevitable editing which occurs whenever I'm typing something of this magnitude) - far more even than that philosophy journal entry I wrote on the airplane heading home for fall break (the one which was based only upon a really bad pun regarding this being the high (someday I'll post those entries here so you can know what I'm talking about - although some of you (you'll know who you are if you're reading this) may already know) point of my journal) - that's what happens when I start writing without a clear purpose) from my stated purpose which was...never stated. So perhaps I'm not digressing after all. If my purpose was to write a post of complete randomness, would I be digressing by not going off on tangents - or perhaps secants, seeing as at least some of my thought branches ultimate return to the main subject at hand. You doubt? (you do that a lot, you know that). Watch this space and ye shall see, ye of little faith. Or rather, I think I shall leave the proof of that as an exercise to the reader (insert recursion here, or skip if you'd like to avoid a stack overflow and/or read the rest of this post), as I have far more important matters to consider and do not have time for tangents, whether they be line, plane, or otherwise. One thing remains certain: it is now 365 days since I stayed awake, seeking guidance from everyone I knew who was still awake (namely, my family), until finally coming to a decision at 11:59 - and even then, not mailing my form until the following morning (in case I were to receive a message in a dream warning me not to come here - which must not have happened (or if it did I didn't remember the dream to act on it), considering my presence at UP and the existence of this blog). *insert mental time shift* At the tone, the time is now 12:27 (imagine a high pitched beep - and remember it well, for in many locations the time lady is no more, and a great sadness has fallen across the land as a result), Friday, May 2, and approximately 5 hours have passed since I broke off writing - sorry to have left you in suspense for that time (what do you mean, blogger doesn't public my words the moment they type them? Yes, I am psychic. See my last post if you have questions about that, so that I don't go off on the same tangent twice). Please make any necessary shifts in your visualization of this writing, and note a possible cause of any changes in writings style. In twelve hours or less, I will be gone from the UP campus for the summer, and not returning until August (thank you to National University for offering a Data Structures class down by my house so that I don't have to come up here, find a place to stay for a few weeks, and take it up here. Nor do I have to take what are apparently the 15 hardest credits the school offers in conjunction with graduation and the associated activities, nor must I forego my study abroad plans which are the root of all these complications. Yet for all the difficulties, it shall be worth it to be able to spend a few months doing leadership training in the wilderness with NOLS (National Outdoor Leadership School, for the uninitiated) - and to once more exercise my (perhaps questioned, again see previous post) psychic abilities, I am perfectly aware that this has absolutely nothing to do with my chosen major of Computer Science. However, neither do any of the other Study Abroad programs I have come across, and it is for this reason that I risked (or perhaps lost) my sanity at the end of High School through that life-consuming activity commonly known only by it's initials, AP), to commence first my training for the newly-renamed position of Hall Receptionist (read: front desk worker), and later my actual courses. But enough of the future, back to dwelling in the past (this entry was supposed to be reflective) This year has been quite a journey - one which you, my loyal readers (my hit counter indicates the possibility of such beings) , have taken vicariously through my postings (or perhaps directly, considering that if you're reading this there is a high probability of your being one of my classmates). However, I must preface (or rather postface, as it would interrupt my attempt to convey a natural flow of thought if I were to place this warning one sentence earlier) that with a warning (which may sound weird coming from me) not to take that analogy too far - at least regarding the rate of travel of my journey. The frequency of posts has slowed drastically since the conclusion of the fall semester - there have been only three posts this semester, at least one of which was completely unrelated to my journey through college and existed primarily as a medium through which to convey pictures of my dismantled laptop and thus satisfy the curiosity of readers (a curiosity which, if left unchecked (of course, one could also argue that a post such as mine might only pique such a curiosity by indicating what is possible, rather than satisfying it. Indeed, I would (and just did) be such a one), could result in damage to property and voided warranties (<legal>for which I am not responsible (and by reading this sentence you agree to this and any other such statements present in this or any entry here on A Pilot's Ponderings)</legal>). Yet do not be mislead into thinking that the second semester passed slowly for me. The sparse posting was in spite, or perhaps because, of a short and action-packed semester. It feels like just yesterday that I was flying back from Christmas break (it also feels like I started writing this yesterday - and maybe I did. You can work it out if reading this alone is not providing you with a sufficient use for the massive power of your internal parallel computer). A phenomenon for which there likely exist many explanations, of which the only one I will offer is the general decrease in average temperature over last semester (high temperatures tend to increase the processing speed of the brain, causing it to feel like more time has passed than actually has ("actually" here referring to the progression of time generally accepted by the population as a whole) - a phenomenon discovered by a scientist after his feverish wife consistently overestimated the length of his absences. So he got her, while still sick, to participate in a series of experiments quantifying his observations (such a sensitive, caring husband. I love how he was able to involve his wife in his work) - which were later verified using heated hats so as to eliminate the possibility that some other aspect of the illness was causing the effect. Anyway, cold temperatures would have the opposite effect, causing the brain to underestimate the length of a period of time - which over the course of the semester could accumulate for a discrepancy of several days at least (provided that the tendency to separate days based on our sleep cycle (which is covered in another of my philosophy journals to be posted and will therefore not be discussed here) doesn't counteract this effect). This rapid progression of time seems to have left little time for the production of additional posts - there appears to be an inverse relationship between the rate of posts and the rate of passage of time relative to the speed of cranial processing. At least for this semester. I would generalize this to the entire life of A Pilot's Ponderings, but two facts prevent me from doing this, in no particular order: 1.)Last semester didn't feel like it went that slowly, 2.)last semester I had an academic obligation to provide updates at least once ever two weeks - an obligation which as far as I know is not present this semester. There is much I have learned over these 30 weeks of class (and the intervening weeks of break) - far too much to enumerate in this already-far-too-long-given-my-current-layout(one of my first projects upon arrival home is to remove the empty left column and expand the post column to twice its current width, so as to avoid excessive wear and tear (<legal>for which I am once again not responsible</legal>) on scroll wheels, mouse buttons, page up/down keys, and any and all other methods of scrolling through large bodies of text not already mentioned herein) post (current word count (not including the actual number): 2295 (which I believe takes the trophy from my 1300 word teabag entry for my longest published work of this type). Time, technology, and motivation permitting, those may be the subject of a future post. Until then, I shall conclude this post, the last to be posted from Christie Hall 233 (unless I become good friends with the residents next year and start writing posts in their room), declaring that this is <nickname="one of many from which I lack the decisiveness to choose"/>, signing off*

*In a metaphorical sense - I'll still be connected to the internet after I press publish.

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