Friday, March 7, 2008

Again Connected In Spirit - I Hope They've Got Good Bandwidth

Well, the number of posts on this blog as a function of time is beginning to resemble a logistic growth curve (you know – the one that models the number of people standing during a typical standing ovation). This is partially due to the conclusion of the freshman design competition and my first semester at college, the chronicling of which was the primary (or at least the stated) purpose of the writings previously found here. I started out somewhat slowly, both because I was new to the medium, I was busy getting adjusted to life in college and thus lacked a pleuthera of free time in which to document my lack of free time, and because the design project was still young (if he won't mind the personification necessary to justify such a metaphor). Now before anyone comments (I'm wording it this way to clarify that I'm conjecturing as to the response of a typical (if by typical you mean grammar-obsessed (I'm deliberately avoiding the more commonly used term for such a person so as to not invoke Godwin's law and lose the argument (how one loses what isn't even really a logical argument, much less one in the common definition, is not immediately clear to me, but ignorance is no reason for recklessness), instead going into nested parentheses (which my stream of consciousness writings tend to do – I'll have to write a law about that)) reader, rather than implying a psychic ability to read the thoughts of a future reader (I did that once and ended up on an even larger tangent that nearly crashed my thought process with an infinite loop) during the writing of this post), I am aware that I just used both to precede a conjunction of three statements, in defiance of grammatical convention. What such a person has not considered is that such grammatical limitations are analogous to a method/function which only takes a specified number of arguments. But as we discussed today in computer science, such problems may be obviated by means of overloading. And I created an alternative definition of or that takes an array of any size. This assumes, of course, that you are using a language which supports such actions. I claim that English is such a language, just like (insert a programming language which supports such things here, but not java – java is the Esperanto of electronics). You doubt? Compile it and see for yourself. Only I'm not sure where you can find an English compiler for x86. The only one I'm aware of is for the HBNN (human brain neural network) architecture. You could try whitespace – at least it wouldn't crash on all the unrecognized words – although it'd probably give some rather interesting actions (not to self – download whitespace and try it on this post when it's done, then post the result). Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, on an airplane. Writing about how I didn't write that much here at the beginning of the semester. Posting then picked up during the semester due to additional happenings with the design project and talk like a pirate day meeting first year workshop. Then the design competition passed, dead week set in, and the posting went wek, if not dead. I think I only posted once since finals, inspired by the awesome experience of completely dismantling my laptop. At least that's what I think happened. For the second time, I'm writing a post without an internet connection (shortly after the last time – look for an entry with spirit in the title – I read about plans to offer internet on airplanes, but sadly Alaska Air has yet to implement this on my flights, and when they do it will likely be prohibitively expensive). It's possible that the post values are closer to a square root of time. But whatever the reasons, my heart or my shoes...sorry, wrong story...driven both by this realization that I hadn't written anything so far this semester, and by the addition of another person to my legion of people who know about this site (which is probably in the teens by now – excitement!), (there, I used both in its traditional sense this time) I feel that it is time I started posting here again. Well, I suppose I should be careful with that word “started”, as I am unsure as to the long term effect of this post on my overall frequency. It's possible that this will just be one step closer to the carrying capacity of this site (a value with no relation whatsoever to the storage space available, which I believe is unmetered at least for the text of posts). However, I'd prefer to think of this post as more of a heaviside function consisting of the negation of the logistic growth curve and something close to linear. What will I write? Only thyme will tell (which is why I'm going straight into my kitchen when I get home). I certainly won't write a in stream of consciousness with speculation about the decline in posts to this blog as the central theme. And I certainly won't write it in the air. And of course, I will never be sarcastic. But then, maybe I just don't know me well enough. I'm done with my tests, I'm leaving on spring break, and I've got a whole flight home ahead of me. I'm sure I'll think of something.